Hot and sexy Jessica has proven that she is a rare talent with an ability to capture the hearts and minds of fans around the globe. Whether it be music or film, it is evident that she has a long career ahead of her as she continues to change and grow as an artist. As a born performer, it was only natural for Jessica to spend more time in front of the camera both in television and feature films.
Jessica's career started as a singer, her first single “I Wanna Love You Forever”, peaked at no.3 on the Billboard Hot 100. After releasing her album, hot and sexy Jessica toured with the boy band 98 degrees to promote her album Sweet Kisses. The said album had gone double platinum and followed with another album.
From singing to acting, she made her first appearance in a motion picture as Daisy Duke in the movie remake of The Dukes of Hazzard, which earned $110.5 million world-wide. She also starred in the film Employee of the Month. After having a break, hot and sexy Jessica came back with an upcoming film. The movie entitles Blonde Ambition which is set to be released in 2008. She will play the role of a small town girl who moves to New York City and rises up into a great career as a business woman.