My first film Maine pyar Kyun Kiya was with him. The first shot I did with him was the scene where he presents me with a sari. Then he covers my head with it and says he wants me to meet his mother. And I joke,”Can I wear a bikni underneath the sari?” I gave that shot and he turned to David (Dhawan) saying I'll need to pay more attention to my job. That was his way of saying that I was good. I felt nice but franckly. I was very nervous of facing the camera with him. I was very awkward initially but still I had a great time on the sets. I remember I met Farah Khan for the first time there. She gave me important tips on how to survive in the industry. Working with Salman is different ballgame altogether. He's so chilled o
ut on the sets, he lets everyone just be. I've never seen any actor trust his director so implicitly. He would never try to unnecessarily give me tips. Maybe because he's worked with so many actresses and he's seen it all.I envy his chilled out attitude. It works for him. I don't think I can follow him on that count. I remember the reporting time on David Dhawan's set would be 10 o'clock. I would be there on the dot, obviously. There was no other way for me. But Salman had no intentions of coming on time. And the regular scene would go like this. He would walk in late on the set.The unit guy would come asking for him, 'Bhai kahan hai?'And his spot boy would say, 'Bhai naha rahe bain. 'And that would go on for half an hour.Then the unit guy would come looking for him again. And his spot would say, 'Bhai coffee pi rahe hain.' That would take another half an hour.Then the unit guy would come back asking for Salman again. And he would be told, 'Bhai make-up kar rahe hain.' That meant another one and a half hour gone.Then after two and a half hours he would venture out of his room and sit wit h the director discussing the scene.That's another half an hour gone.Then there would be another round of coffee. Another half an hour. After three and a half hours he would finally come on the sets. I would be amazed at the goings on. But no one would raise an eyebrow. I guess this was normal. But once he came on the sets, he'd be all there afid finish the quota of work. There would be no complaints.My offscreen relationship with him hasn't really affected our working relationship. Because very early in the game I realised that you must leave everything outside when you walk on to the set. Nothing matters here except the character you play.
HE FIRST time I met Akshay Kumar was on the sets of Humko Deewana Kar Gaye. I was barely 19 then and a complete outsider to the industry. I didn't know the director Raj Kanwar, or Akshay. So much so that even my staff was new. Raj Kanwar had insisted that I try out a new hairdresser and make-up person. I felt so lonely and nervous. Just then this tall brooding guy walked up to me and said, 'Hello'. Before I could say something, he pointed to his goatee and asked me whether it looked good on him.! remember nodding nervously. Then we did our first shot and he appreciatively told me I was good. After that shot, he looked the other way the entire day. We didn't exchange a single word.The same story was repeated on the second day. And I felt so lost on the set because no one was talking to me. Later in the afternoon I came back to my van and bawled my eyes out. I felt so alone. My hairdresser, Promila, who had been in the business for quite a while saw me crying and asked me what the matter was. When I told her, she said that things would become all right eventually. On the third day, I came on the sets and to my surprise, both Raj Kanwar and Akshay were there to greet me.They were so effusive that I couldn't believe my ears. I saw Promila's head bobbing in the background and I realised she must have spoken to them.Then the two told me they didn't know me well so they had kept their distance.They thought I was a snob and didn't like mingling with anyone. But after that Aks
I ALWAYS feel that Saif AN Khan is more English than I am. He went to the Harvard school in England and his manners are so British. I often tell him that. He's so proper, such a gentleman. He knows how to treat a lady. We worked together in Race. And I was amazed by his energy levels, he has so much nervous energy. And he's always doing something. He simply can't sit still. He was so excited about doing Race that he told me it was like his own home production. I always believe that the hero's behaviour on the sets dominates its ambience. If the hero is sullen, it's not a nice atmosphere to work. But Saif brings such awesome vibes to the sets. He's always pushing and encouraging everyone and they in turn feel so charged.When we did the Touch me song, he told me he liked the way I worked. It felt nice to be appreciated. One thing I have noticed about Saif is his subtle and realistic acting. He's so natural in front of the camera. He's one of our best actors. If he were to do a Hollywood film, he'd definitely succeed there.
I ALWAYS feel that Saif AN Khan is more English than I am. He went to the Harvard school in England and his manners are so British. I often tell him that. He's so proper, such a gentleman. He knows how to treat a lady. We worked together in Race. And I was amazed by his energy levels, he has so much nervous energy. And he's always doing something. He simply can't sit still. He was so excited about doing Race that he told me it was like his own home production. I always believe that the hero's behaviour on the sets dominates its ambience. If the hero is sullen, it's not a nice atmosphere to work. But Saif brings such awesome vibes to the sets. He's always pushing and encouraging everyone and they in turn feel so charged.When we did the Touch me song, he told me he liked the way I worked. It felt nice to be appreciated. One thing I have noticed about Saif is his subtle and realistic acting. He's so natural in front of the camera. He's one of our best actors. If he were to do a Hollywood film, he'd definitely succeed there.
HE'S ONE of the most naive and innocent actors around. He doesn't know how to be socially correct but he's a genuine guy. I like him the way he is. And what a mind-blowing actor! He's so natural, it's amazing. You know, I keep chattering all the time and he won't rush in to fill in the silences. He likes to keep to himself. So we really had a slightly awkward time on the sets in South Africa. It was one long outdoor and we had to find a way to connect. Otherwise it would have been killing. So someone came up with the idea of chess.And I guess Akshaye was only too happy to play. Because while it keeps your mind occupied it also keeps your mouth shut. I believe he was secretly happy playing with me because it meant he didn't have to listen to my non-stop talking. Must have been a relief for him. He can be a little moody and unpredictable. But he has a good heart. And once he takes to a person, he's very trusting. 1 genuinely like him.
BOBBY, I always maintain, is a reluctant star. He's a regular guy and the fact that he's a star is incidental. What struck me when I was working with him in Apne was his love for his family. I've never seen anyone else in the industry have that kind of emotional attachment with their family. And I respect that very much. In Apne, his eyes would well up with tears, each time he had to do an emotional sequence with his father or brother. He didn't need any glycerine for those scenes. I've known Bobby since my early days in Mumbai. Bobby and Tania used to be friends with a close friend of mine with whom I was staying.Tania would often take me to parties. Even then I was struck by how genuine Bobby is. He didn't have any attitude or airs. He just wants to be with his family and be happy.
BOBBY, I always maintain, is a reluctant star. He's a regular guy and the fact that he's a star is incidental. What struck me when I was working with him in Apne was his love for his family. I've never seen anyone else in the industry have that kind of emotional attachment with their family. And I respect that very much. In Apne, his eyes would well up with tears, each time he had to do an emotional sequence with his father or brother. He didn't need any glycerine for those scenes. I've known Bobby since my early days in Mumbai. Bobby and Tania used to be friends with a close friend of mine with whom I was staying.Tania would often take me to parties. Even then I was struck by how genuine Bobby is. He didn't have any attitude or airs. He just wants to be with his family and be happy.
I HAD seen just about three of his films before I met him. But believe me, they didn't prepare me for his magnetism. Bobby introduced me to him and I was awestruck. I didn't know what hit me. My jaw went slack and I didn't know what to say. So I started giggling like a schoolgirl. Bobby, who was standing nearby, elbowed me and whispered, 'Please shut your mouth, say hello and get out from here.' But I couldn't move. I was behaving like a retard.There's something mesmerising about his eyes.They entice you and leave you completely speechless. After that day, whenever he came on the set, I would greet him and start giggling. Because I wouldn't know what more to say to him. He is a man of few words. And Bobby would chide me saying I w
as such an embarrassment. But I was helpless.Those eyes, God those powerful eyes.
I HAD seen just about three of his films before I met him. But believe me, they didn't prepare me for his magnetism. Bobby introduced me to him and I was awestruck. I didn't know what hit me. My jaw went slack and I didn't know what to say. So I started giggling like a schoolgirl. Bobby, who was standing nearby, elbowed me and whispered, 'Please shut your mouth, say hello and get out from here.' But I couldn't move. I was behaving like a retard.There's something mesmerising about his eyes.They entice you and leave you completely speechless. After that day, whenever he came on the set, I would greet him and start giggling. Because I wouldn't know what more to say to him. He is a man of few words. And Bobby would chide me saying I w
WHEN I met him, I was just about 18 and didn't know a thing about filmmaking. I didn't even know what a camera looked like. It was the first day of shooting.The movie was Boom. I was sitting in a corner after giving a shot. He came up to and asked, 'You want to see your shot?'And I hesitantly told him that I wasn't allowed to see the shot.That the director had forbidden me to do so. He took me to the monitor and asked everyone to make way for me. And he showed me my shot.That was the first time I saw myself on screen. It felt strange. Amitabh Bachchan has an unmatchable aura about him. You can't miss it. He's a man of few words but what a presence he has. Whenever I interacted with him on the sets, he was very supportive. He always told me I would do well in the industry.That was something coming from him.
WHEN I met him, I was just about 18 and didn't know a thing about filmmaking. I didn't even know what a camera looked like. It was the first day of shooting.The movie was Boom. I was sitting in a corner after giving a shot. He came up to and asked, 'You want to see your shot?'And I hesitantly told him that I wasn't allowed to see the shot.That the director had forbidden me to do so. He took me to the monitor and asked everyone to make way for me. And he showed me my shot.That was the first time I saw myself on screen. It felt strange. Amitabh Bachchan has an unmatchable aura about him. You can't miss it. He's a man of few words but what a presence he has. Whenever I interacted with him on the sets, he was very supportive. He always told me I would do well in the industry.That was something coming from him.
HE'S SUCH a chatterbox. He'd be constantly talking on the sets of Sarkar. I guess I found my match in him. He comes across as a guy who loves life and is genuinely lovable. I didn't have much to do in Sarkar.\ had only 15 days of work with him but I enjoyed myself immensely. It was a great experience working with him. Because he's one actor who knows his job. And that helps the co-star tremendously. Unfortunately I didn't really get to know him well.
HE'S SUCH a chatterbox. He'd be constantly talking on the sets of Sarkar. I guess I found my match in him. He comes across as a guy who loves life and is genuinely lovable. I didn't have much to do in Sarkar.\ had only 15 days of work with him but I enjoyed myself immensely. It was a great experience working with him. Because he's one actor who knows his job. And that helps the co-star tremendously. Unfortunately I didn't really get to know him well.
I WORKED with him in Maine Pyar Kyun Kiya. And I remember he didn't know how to approach his character. So he sat down to discuss it with David Dhawan the director. And to my amazement, within a few minutes, he'd picked up the threads of his character. He was so natural thereafter, playing the underdog with that slight touch of comedy. Main Pyar Kyun Kiya happens to be my favourite film of his. When he was producing Partner, he told me I had to be in it. He worked everything out so that I could be part of the film. Sohail is a good guy; you can see his goodness in his eyes. And he isn't affected by anything around him. He's very sorted, very clear in his head as to what he wants. He doesn't suffer from any identity crisis just because Salman is a huge star. He's Salman's biggest supporter. And he is always there for him. Sohail is a sweetheart, a genuine person. I truly love him.
I WORKED with him in Maine Pyar Kyun Kiya. And I remember he didn't know how to approach his character. So he sat down to discuss it with David Dhawan the director. And to my amazement, within a few minutes, he'd picked up the threads of his character. He was so natural thereafter, playing the underdog with that slight touch of comedy. Main Pyar Kyun Kiya happens to be my favourite film of his. When he was producing Partner, he told me I had to be in it. He worked everything out so that I could be part of the film. Sohail is a good guy; you can see his goodness in his eyes. And he isn't affected by anything around him. He's very sorted, very clear in his head as to what he wants. He doesn't suffer from any identity crisis just because Salman is a huge star. He's Salman's biggest supporter. And he is always there for him. Sohail is a sweetheart, a genuine person. I truly love him.
THANKS TO his humble origins,Govinda has a certain knowledge of the masses, a certain connect with them. He knows what they want and he also knows how to deliver it. He has been there, done that so there's a certain freedom in his acting, in the way he approaches comedy. No one, and I mean no one, can do comedy like he does. Working with him, I've realised how important it is to know your language, to know your lines. Because once you're comfortable with the language you can be flexible with your dialogue, improvise it the way you want to. I've seen him do that so often with amazing results. He's so uninhibited in front of the camera.That would amaze me on the sets of Partner. He's a master, an absolute genius when it comes to acting. Incidentally, he's the first actor I saw in flesh. I was new to India and my sister had come down to visit me. She wanted to see a shooting. And we went on Govinda's set. Even then he blew me away with his powerhouse talent. Govinda and Salman share a very warm bonding and that's what came across so well in Partner. I must say I've learnt a lot from Govinda.
THANKS TO his humble origins,Govinda has a certain knowledge of the masses, a certain connect with them. He knows what they want and he also knows how to deliver it. He has been there, done that so there's a certain freedom in his acting, in the way he approaches comedy. No one, and I mean no one, can do comedy like he does. Working with him, I've realised how important it is to know your language, to know your lines. Because once you're comfortable with the language you can be flexible with your dialogue, improvise it the way you want to. I've seen him do that so often with amazing results. He's so uninhibited in front of the camera.That would amaze me on the sets of Partner. He's a master, an absolute genius when it comes to acting. Incidentally, he's the first actor I saw in flesh. I was new to India and my sister had come down to visit me. She wanted to see a shooting. And we went on Govinda's set. Even then he blew me away with his powerhouse talent. Govinda and Salman share a very warm bonding and that's what came across so well in Partner. I must say I've learnt a lot from Govinda.
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